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Stress and Gout – What Is Overlooked

Whether or not we want to admit it, stress can play a key factor in how healthy we will feel on a daily basis. The normal functions of the human body, including the digestive and waste systems, can be negatively affected by stress. Whenever a person goes through stress, Vitamin …

Apple Cider Vinegar and Gout – Powerful Potency

Historically apple cider vinegar has been used as an ingredient for recipes that aim to cure illnesses a person has. Ranging from typical physical setbacks like dry throat and the common cold to more serious ailments like lingering infections and diabetes, apple cider vinegar has proven to be …

Flaxseed and Gout – Acid’s Balancing Act

Too much uric acid that flows through the bloodstream is one of the key factors in one developing gout. When this occurs uric acid crystals form in the joints and tissues of those who suffer from gout. All too often people make the mistake of consuming too much …

Grapes and Gout – The Case for Support

Many fruits have proven to give your body support when treating gout attacks, but one of the more questionable fruits that many people still wonder about would be grapes. Is there a legitimate link between grapes and gout? While there may be some detractors to the idea, and …

The Connection Between Coffee and Gout

Many people in the world happen to be coffee drinkers, but what they may not know is that consistent coffee consumption could help lower their risk of experiencing gout attacks. Overall coffee and gout have a unique relationship where coffee consumption can either be a good thing or a …

Finding the Right Homeopathic Medicine for Gout

Should one consider homeopathic medicine for gout if other treatments aren’t working? A clear indication of gout is when a person’s joints start hurting and get swollen. One can tell when he or she suffers from gout is when body parts start turning red in color. In and around …

Stinging Nettles for Gout

Are you suffering from gouty arthritis and have been unsuccessful in relieving the inflammation with conventional drugs? You will be surprised to learn that using natural stinging nettles for gout arthritis that has been giving you sleepless nights is more effective than the conventional drugs you have been …

Using Yucca Herb to Reduce Gout Inflammation

Yucca herb is a native Mexican medicinal plant. Although mainly used as an ornamental plant due to its stiff leaves and thick stalk, its root has transcended time as a popular medicinal herb with anti-arthritic effects that also reduce gout inflammation. Historically, the it has been a topical …

Fish Oil for Gout?

What Is Gout? Gout is considered as the most common inflammatory disease of the arthrosis in the developed countries. Epidemiological data from western countries like the USA, UK, New Zealand and others, report the increased prevalence of gout. Studies have shown that the elderly and especially males are …

Top Five Remedies For Treating Gout During Pregnancy

While you may be given a heads up about most of the pregnancy delights, you should definitely be on a lookout for not-so-expected changes too. Morning sickness, nausea, vomiting and cramps are all there on the checklist but, did you know that a gout attack could also be …