Finding the Right Homeopathic Medicine for Gout

Should one consider homeopathic medicine for gout if other treatments aren’t working? A clear indication of gout is when a person’s joints start hurting and get swollen.

One can tell when he or she suffers from gout is when body parts start turning red in color. In and around the joints a build-up of urate crystals forms.

There are two explanations for increased uric acid levels. It is either a case of too much production of uric acid in the body, or the kidneys have decreased the amount of uric acid excretion.

Purine is broken down to produce uric acid. Food products that are rich in purine include beans, lentils, peas, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, fish and meat.

Homeopathic Medicine For Gout

You will be glad to discover that there is homeopathic medicine for gout, a more organic approach to treating Homeopathic treatments are rooted in natural substances and effectively lower uric acid levels without developing any side effects.Alternative Branch Christmas

Homeopathic medicine for gout is one of the safest routes one can take, and there are multiple kinds of medicines out there.

Colchicum. The first type of medicine would be Colchicum, which targets gout that affects toes and heels. Podagara is the official name for gout that targets the big toe.

The characteristics of Colchicum include its ability to cause extreme relaxation in muscles, but also can help people who suffer from having hot and distended joints.

Colchicum is prepared by using the bulb of the herb Colchicum autumnale, which is normally dug up in the Spring season.

The bulb is then cleaned, chopped into pieces and eventually soaked in alcohol. After continuously diluting the chopped pieces the Colchicum remedy becomes safe to use for application.

Benzoic Acid. Another type of medicine would be Benzoic Acid. Producing and curing symptoms of a uric acid diathesis and gouty symptoms, the application of Benzoic Acid works best for those that suffer from gout of knees and wrists. Painful nodes, affected joints that have intense swelling and cracking fingers will be aided with Benzoic Acid.

It becomes especially useful to consume Benzoic Acid when the urinary symptoms of gout become more seen. Uric acid crystals are either deposited in the kidneys or in the urinary tract, which will lead to stone formation.

Rheumatic affections eventually follow after a noticeable change in urine color, but Benzoic Acid is a great palliating remedy.

When applied Benzoic Acid helps give the body its proper functions back, such as the urine returns to feeling heavy instead of light, and a hard, frequent pulse.

Ledum Palustre. It is an evergreen shrub that grows as tall as 1 meter. Also known as Marsh Tea or Wild Rosemary, Ledum Palustre is typically used for treating insect bites, puncture wounds and general swellings or bruises.

Doctors from the 1800’s such as Adolph Lippe, E.B. Nash and Constantine Hering all recommended Ledum Palustre to treat rheumatic pains that start in the lower limbs and then ascend.

Ledum is typically used after Colchicum is applied, but it can be applied on its own. Ledum Palustre is used to treat gout in the big toe.

For gout sufferers that experience chronic rheumatism it is best to use an ice cold water application with Ledum Palustre.

Urtica Urens. It has been proven to be one of the best remedies for first degree burns, and it’s either used locally or taken internally.

Urtica Urens has also been proven to be a sufficient antidote to snake bites and bee stings. This remedy works best when applied to gout sufferers that are experiencing chronic pains and soreness on the inside of knee joints, in both ankles and in the wrists.

General itching and swellings that affect fingers and hands, which resemble “bold hives,” can be treated by Urtica Urens.

If one is experiencing pains in body parts such as the hips, even if it’s a sprained sensation, then Urtica Urens can also be applied to support these areas.

Lithium Carb. Another homeopathic medicine that can treat elevated uric acid levels would be Lithium Carb. The unusual stiffness that the entire body endures comes from a rise in uric acid levels.

Having Lithium Carb mixed in with hot water applied can help the body heal. This application can also help stop the uric acid deposits from entering the joints.

One osteopath patient’s testimony states that a regimen that includes taking 10 to 15 milligrams of Lithium twice per day along with 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C has made his gout pain disappear.

Being a natural mineral, Lithium is well documented in being taken to treat other problems like bipolar disorder and depression.

Lithium Orotate. If Lithium Carb is something you don’t prefer to take, then you may want to consider taking Lithium Orotate instead.

Lithium Orotate has been marketed as a sufficient alternative to Lithium Carb. Combining Lithium with Orotate ion. According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, even if small servings are taken, such as 15 milligrams per day, Lithium Orotate has proven to protect the central nervous system.

Dr. Alice Laule states that Lithium in general is important for maintaining proper brain functions, including protecting brain cells from harmful toxins reducing the negative effects of specific excitatory neurotransmitters.

Guaiacum. Resin taken from the trees of Guaiacum officinale is prepared as homeopathic medicine to treat gout and general arthritic conditions.

Guaiacum has been proven to treat high uric acid levels, especially in chronic cases where deformities take root and develop.

Guaiacum is given when a person’s affected limb is going through a stiff and immobilizing kind of pain. An ethnobotany case held by Western Illinois University tested both rats and humans regarding Guaiacum’s effectiveness in treating arthritis. 20 humans with severe arthritis were selected for a double blind study, and 10 of them were given Guaiacum resin at 400 kg/mg.

Probenecid. It is a medication used to treat gout and various forms of gouty arthritis. If one is counting on  Probenecid to treat sudden flare ups of gout then he or she should consider other options.

Belonging to a class of drugs called uricosurics, this medication lowers uric acid levels, specifically helping the kidneys.

This medication is consumed by the mouth typically twice per day, and preferably taken along with a full glass of water for each dose.

Methods That Are Even More Natural

In order to give your body the proper support it needs, and specifically maintaining healthy joints and cartilage, you generally have to avoid consuming foods that are high in uric acid content, with many of these foods being meats.

Beef, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and game meats are some examples of meats to avoid. It is also recommended that you drink 8 glasses of water per day for systemic detoxification purposes.

While drinking this much water every few months it is best to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages so that you can keep uric acid levels down.


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